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Hill College Development


Hill College wants to offer a first class education, so to comply and ensure that to happen, we have our own adapted curriculum.


Teachers and Teaching Staff follow this curriculum to create innovative and correlative learning. Our teaching staff use many different tools, services and systems to elaborate and ensure the education to our students. 


Our curriculum consists of many main and technology based classes.


If you have any quires on our curriculum, please contact our Headmasters.




Humanities and Social Studies covers over many different topics, like Economics, History, Geography and more. Students learn skills to improve their future and useful tasks in life.



English covers over many areas like story writing, movie analysis, multi-modal text and more. Students learn skills to improve on their English and useful tasks in life.

Digital Technology

Standard Elective

Digital Technologies covers many areas like cyber security, efficient data, internet of things and more. Students learn skills to improve the future and skills in Digital Tech.

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