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The Journey of Hill College

The future is the big plan for our students, and therefore Hill College is founded. Embracing fears, finding new careers, starting relationships and more. The journey of Hill College is placed for students to be prepared for their future, which may bring challenges and changes to their lifetime. With a massive challenge faced this year, with the pandemic of COVID-19, Hill College has still been able to run with the possibility of online learning and dedicated staff.

Our Journey

March - April 2022

April - May 2022

June - August 2022

The Idea of Hill College came around with the joke first coming of the pronunciation of "Hill".


The word of Hill College goes around at Great Southern Grammar, where we got many students, staff and guests to join the journey of Hill College startup.

Our first program for Hill College, the 2022 Winter Program was developed where we trailed many courses with students and systems with staff. Gaining engagement and achievements with new members and acknowledged guests.

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