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Academic Reporting

Hill College wants to show students their academic achievement and attitude to each of the students participated classes and subjects. Following along with the SCSA WA K10-outline Policy of Reporting on Student Achievement.


Follow along this page to learn about our report document and other reporting features.

Program Academic Report


Logo and Doc Info

The header contains the program logo along with the students name, report type and program name. Indicating pacifically who's and what type of report.

Headmasters Comment

Main Comment

The Headmasters Comment is a comment from both headmasters on the achievement, progress and thank you note. Indicating the Point-of-View of the headmasters about the student's progression through the program. 

Class Course Results

Academic Results

The Class Course Results is the results from each class and subject the student participated in. Indicating the task, mark, grade, improvement and performance.


Watermark and School Info

The footer contains the watermark, our crest, along with the Headmasters, school name and document type. Indicating pacifically the document is published by Hill College.

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