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Class Courses

If you are finding an issue on your class course, follow along this guide.

Accessing Courses

You can find your courses at our Google Classroom. Access the link at the top of our website or in MyCollege Portal.

All tasks that you have been assigned can be found under "Classwork".

Using Nearpod Lessons

Most courses will have a lesson included into it, you can find it under the task instructions. It will labelled as "Nearpod - LESSON NAME".

When you click and access the lesson, you will be asked to sign in to verify your

name. Make sure you verify with Office 365 (Microsoft).

Once you sign in, you will be asked if the name displayed is you. Your name should display as First L (Last name initial), like your email ( If it displays like First Last (Your full name), then you may of signed in as your GSG account. If this happens, click "Go Back" and re-try.

Finishing Course

If you have finished your course, you need to make sure that you 'hand in' your work. This can be done by the course instructions page. Once you have completed the task, click "Marked as Done" so we know you finished and we can mark your work.

Running Into Issues

If you find yourself running into an issues, don't hesitate to contact the headmasters.

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